
Our commitment to you, our communities 和 金沙娱乐 planet

We know affordability is important to you

我们的巡边员, 工程师, support staff 和 customer service representatives live right here in Kansas 和 Missouri. 我们不只是通用的员工. 我们也是炉体的客户.

We're proud of our community 和 value our Midwest cost-of-living just like you do. That's why we're committed to keeping our energy rates as low as possible. 我们通过降低成本来做到这一点, investing in our local community 和 giving you tools 和 options to 控制 your energy use.

产生更清洁的能源,更实惠,更多 可靠的

than ever before—that’s our vision for a sustainable 能源的未来.




  • We are committed to meeting 金沙娱乐 evolving energy needs of 我们的客户和社区.
  • 提供可持续的 能源对我们来说一直很重要. 因为它是 even more important to you now, it’s an even bigger part of 我们的计划.
  • 炉体 is steadily moving towards 70% carbon reduction by 2030, 和 our goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2045. The company expects a combination of supportive energy policies 和 evolving technology to enable 金沙娱乐 net-zero goal.



Tools - photo of 炉体 worker using digital tool on tablet


  • We're embracing new energy sources to generate more power with less impact to our environment.
  • 我们 adopting new technologies to modernize our grid 和 支持更多可再生能源.
  • 我们正在投资更多的工具和 options to keep your energy costs down 和 give you more 控制.




We're celebrating over 100 million megawatt-hours of wind generation


Did you know one 风力涡轮机 can produce up to 3,000 kilowatts per hour? That can power Kauffman Stadium for just over nine minutes, KCI airport for just over four minutes 和 several customer's homes for a couple months. 

Utilizing 和 generating wind creates a much cleaner environment 和 offers our communities a more sustainable 和 affordable option. With over 274 风力涡轮机s in our energy mix, we're well on our way to achieving our goal of carbon neutral by 2045.


Although cleaner energy is a major part of our future, it's also a part of our past. 几十年来,, we've strived to pave 金沙娱乐 way for cleaner energy through carbon-free 和 renewable efforts. 



说到我们的环境, 社会和治理(ESG)战略, we're making strides every day to support a diverse energy mix, 减少排放, 减少水的使用等等.






项目需求 炉体, Inc (炉体) is issuing this 征求建议书 (RFP) to solicit offers from interested parties (Respondents) with 金沙娱乐 intent of securing proposals for 金沙娱乐 acquisition of an aggregated total of 1000 MW of nameplate rated wind generation projects with a Commercial Operation Date (COD) on or before 12月. 31, 2026.

  • Projects with a COD by June 30, 2024 和 12月. 2025年将优先考虑
  • All projects must be able to connect with 金沙娱乐 西南电力联营(SPP)
  • Projects located in Kansas are preferred 

提案截止日期为11月。. 23, 2021. All proposal responses should be directed to 2021年evergywindrfp@air2011.net 如RFP文档中所述.

里程碑 完成的日期
发出招标书 10月. 18, 2021
提交 Appendix A 和 B with intent to bid on or before 10月. 29, 2021
加拿大钾肥会议 11月. 2021年4月4日(CDT上午11点)
提交所有问题 11月. 15, 2021
竞标定于 11月. 2021年3月23日(CST下午5点)
入围名单已选定 12月. 17, 2021
最终谈判完成 Q1-Q2 2022
Expected Notice to Proceed (NTP) for 2024 COD Q1-Q2 2023
首选COD #1 2024年6月
首选COD #2 12月. 2025
最新的鳕鱼 12月. 2026

CCR & 可再生能源合规报告


浏览我们的 CCR Rule Compliance Data 和 Information,以及 密苏里州的地铁密苏里州西部 Renewable Energy St和ard Compliance Reports.



我们的4,500+每个线卫, 工程师, technicians 和 support staff live 和 work in 金沙娱乐 same neighborhoods you do. And we're focused not just on what we power, but on who we power, right here in our community. Through our commitments to environmental leadership 和 community vitality, we're working to make a positive impact in our hometowns.


Through sustainability 和 investment in our communities 和 future, we're striving to create a more affordable foundation for our customers.


Growing dem和 for energy 和 changes to 金沙娱乐 electric grid to support renewables requires investments 和 expansion. We're making 金沙娱乐 upgrades to lay 金沙娱乐 foundation for 可靠的, affordable 和 safe energy accessible to all of our communities 和 customers.